About Jesse

Jesse Chatham

Founder & CEO

I’ve been doing SEO and online marketing in the wedding and photography space since 2005. In 2013, I stopped doing SEO after deciding I wanted to become a Hollywood screenwriter. And I succeeded (for awhile). A screenplay I wrote called LAND was produced and released at the 2021 Sundance Film Festival. It was a big moment for me even though there would be no red carpet premiere due to the pandemic. Even so, it was a dream come true and I’m proud of the finished product.

Fast forward to 2024 and the TV and film industry is in the throes of a significant contraction. Work is hard to come by (even harder than usual) and myself – and many of my peers – are having to fall back on different skill sets and talents to help make ends meet. To that end, I’ve relaunched my wedding and photography SEO business and am finding that once SEO gets in your blood (like writing), it all comes back pretty quick even if you’ve been focused on other things for a minute or two.

I live in Boulder, Colorado with my wife, Julie, and daughters, Ramona and Sylvie. When I’m not doing SEO, I enjoy hiking, biking, listening to music on Spotify, watching good movies & TV, dining out, good tequila, good bourbon, and writing screenplays.